I enjoy my workspace a whole lot. My brandy new desk (thank you for helping me shop for it) has a drawer to hold my keyboard with a drop-down front. I need to be comfy whilst writing an infinite number of 25 page research papers. Mission accomplished with this baby! However, the "drop-down" part was a little too much down for my hands' heels. I don't know why I thought I could make my own wrist support for my computer keyboard... but I thought it, and I did it.

I save cardboard boxes that the recycle-man does not pick up at my house. By cutting one up into rectangles of various sizes, and stacking them pyramid style, I was able to create a base. I again went to my old jewelry gift boxes containing cotton cushions to create the padding for the top of the hand rest.
I was not fancy with the construction on the inside as I was certainly in a hurry to get this hand rest finished so I could comfortably write my master pieces...
get it?
You are probably getting sick of the fabric used for the outer slip cover, me too; however, it matched all my Mac gear + sewing machine. It's really soft too, despite the fact that it melts sometimes. So there ya go.
Old cardboard box + toilet paper storage coverlet + gift box cotton cushions + stringing wire = comfy-ness
i really like the wrist supporter especially since it matches the computer. it looks like an accessory that you would get from the Mac store!
i am totally in agreement with anonymous btw. but i think that the desk would look better in a dark stain with a poly finish. just a thought...
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